Alan Chadwick and Joseline Stauffacher in Santa Cruz

Alan Chadwick a Gardener of Souls

Camping in the Sierra Nevada with Alan Chadwick



A Memory of Alan Chadwick by Dan McGuire


One of my memories of Alan is a trip to the Sierra-Nevada mountains.  Alan set off first with Will David, packing everything but the kitchen sink into his old car, so they could camp in real luxury.  Alan didn't do things by halves.

When I arrived with Stephen Kaffka a week later, Alan had a tent set up with all the amenities.  By then Alan was thoroughly annoyed with David because Will wanted to enjoy a rest, while of course Alan wanted to explore the mountain trails.

We did have some lovely walks in the mountains, and I can say it was not easy (I was only twenty!) to keep up with Alan.

But, as usual, one of the most notable memories was Alan's cooking.  Even with a camp fire he was able to make the most delicious and nutritious meals.  Alan was a fabulous cook.  His artistic endeavors were not just in horticulture, but also in music, painting, cooking and other areas.

It was great to be in his presence and not have to feel terrified I was going to make a mistake working in the garden that would result in a severe telling off.  On the other hand, as Stephen used to say, Alan was a Lion, but he was a Lion that loved flowers.  One could not help but admire Alan, whatever his personal flaws. 

I feel greatly privileged to have known this great man.






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